Sunday, March 22, 2009

MLC Class In Week 7

Herm....... I abit lost in this class.... But, when the vedio about Media Stereotype on play, wahaha! I know what happen on this class already! Huhuhuhu! On this class also for this week, I abit scared to be a choosen one to tell to the whole class that what we know about Media Stereotype. Hahahaha! Lucky I am not that lucky person to be a choosen one! Huhuhuhu! Hmmmm..... I remember about one boy said to the class that Malay=Rempit.... I agree what he said but, ntah? Why I suddenly feel angry about that! I no idea, wheather I angry what that boy said ( I dont think so ) or I angry with Malay people for those are the one that involved with REMPIT culture that make the name of Malay in negative sides! Ntah! I also hate Mat Rempit, but not all Mat Rempit I hate it, certain Mat Rempit are good people but, what to do, when we said Rempit only, all people will thing Negative thing! Ahahaha! Sorry If I talk alot! Huhuhuhu!

Why Media Literacy Important for FCM Students

As a FCM students, Media Literacy is important! This is because, before we make a or produce Media Product, we need to know or study as well as learn the information. Beside that, we need to make a media that what people want on a our media! We cant simply make a media without study the information for our media.

In my opinion, If I a Film Animation student, I need to do reseacrh for our animation. What kind of animation that I want to produce or what type of animation that I will produce. For example , I want to give certain info to other people with our Animation, we need to study, how we want to give the info to the other people. Sometimes, we need to do a research in a certain places. How we want to produce that place in our animation. How we want to change something that allready there into a different thing. So, the example that I type just now maybe will give info. The best thing that I want to say is, This is important to study first the thing that we want to , before we produce it!

Topic 4 - Media Literacy

Media Literacy is a something to analyze or produce something information in a variety of forms. This is easy for people to spot something such as propaganda or any news that we want too. We will have a Media Literacy when we learn through media.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Media Stereotype


Actually this Movie are totally wrong. Why ? This is because, They make Vietname Army loose in with US army during COLD WAR!


One of the Movie that I can see they make Arabian People as a Terorist.

One of the movie that I seen theire provoke Arabian People

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Media Stereotype

From the Article that I already read, the writer try to said that Media Stereotype are usually to provoke or Make fun to other people religious. Usually, Arabian are always been target by people. For example in Transformer and Iron Man. They always make fun on Arabian people. (I GUESS ) ......... Usually, Media Stereotype are the most effective thing to do this kind of thing... Easy to play around people mind. For example, Goverment in Certain country control or use this kind of Media Sereotype to play their people mind. In cartoon also we can see their try to make fun on certain people religious, but, Cartoon are not that effactive to play people mind. This is because, only children are view. Children are do not know anything about this kind of thing but, for those children that are fast learning will be easy to change their mind to people religious. I allways seen their play around with Arabian religious in many many many of movie.. Sometime, I feel that for those are create that kind of Movies are trully too much! For me, the creator religious for that kind of movies are the one that I always piss of........

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Wohoho! For this 5th week in MLC class..... hurm...... As usual, Student always make noise, untill our lecturer angry a bit! Wohohohoho..... I can see certain student are sleep in the class. I also can see certain Student play with his PHONE! Ntah! I no idea, who is that guys.... By the way, I also get sleepy on that time because of BZ study Math the night before class.... HU huhuhu... Sorry! Maybe I dint get alot of info on that time. Again, Lucky out lecturer can take it.

2nd Assignment

My answer is -NO-
Why I said like this? This is because, I already been fooled by those people who are said that I win at least RM1000...... Lucky, I dint lost any money , this is because, on that time, my age already 14 years old..... Wargh! Not only that, when I press their link, WARGH! All POP UP start to disturb to came out from my PC screan. That still not enough, not only pop up came out, their link also have bad kind of Virus that spoil my PC....

Why I said no..... Sometime, what I guess is, for those who are create his Website, maybe they all want to promote their staff , want to fool us around or just want to share something with we all. I already heard about people get fool by certain Website. A lot cormacial said , do not belive with this kind of thing.... And also, my parrents also said that, do not belive with certain website that can make our life suffer... Thats why I said no.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Personal reflection on media culture class

Hmmmmm....... Why this kind of question I need to answer it.... =..=
Hmmmmm....... For me, this subject was O.K. But, I abit hate about this class environment... I prefer at where we having a Media Culture class. But, this dosent mean that I hate this class, lucky our Lecturer are good Lecturer. Meaning, I like the way how Lecturer make our class Lively! Always make funy thing. So that, student will not feel tired and Boring! Why I say this class O.K. This is because, we learn new Historyabout Media.

How Social Media Effect Our Life?

Hmmmmm........ At first, I use Internet since standard 2 or Standard 1.... Hmmmm..... For sure, when we are small kids, for sure we all will use internet for do reseacrh about Cartoon or Toys! Since I form 1, or form 2, or form 3 , I started to know Social Network, for example that social Network I know first is Friendster.... Is Fun to know new thing. For sure this kind of Network got Positive and Negative result. For Positive that I get from this Social Media or Network is, we can know other people In whole country, we learn they culture, we know what happen to their country and also, the most good thing of this Media or Networks is, my English got improvement.. This all because we need to interect with other people on different country. But! The bad thing that I get from this Media or Networks.... I started sit infront computer untill we forgot to comunicate with our parents. We sit infront Computer without knowing what time allready, what happen to our parents everyday. This too bad for me and Everybody... Sometimes, we can regret if we did not comunicate everyday with our PARENTS! But, since now, I know how to use time. So, for now on, I just get Positive thing only.

Social Media

Social Media are used to make our self connect with other people... For example, we can interect with other people from Malaysia untill US,UK or easy to say, we can interect with whole people on earth..... Sometime, people will take advantages to promote his or her self.... For Example, he can wanted people to know him or her with more closer. Also got certain people take advantages to promote their staff.... In other words, take advantages to make business.